Exhibit Booth Size 10’ x 10’ Standard Booth, 10’ x 10’ Premium Booth, 20' x 10' Half Island, 20' x 20'. Carpet, a draped back wall, draped side panels, six foot draped table, two chairs, and waste receptacle, and two complimentary registrations are included with the booth fee.
Application Reservations for booth space at Michigan Realtors® Events must be made on the appropriate contract form with payment. Michigan Realtors® reserves the absolute right to decline any application for space, for any reason. No booth assignment will be confirmed until the application form and deposit have been received and accepted.
Payments Payment must accompany the application for exhibit space. No space will be assigned without a payment. Failure to remit will result in cancellation of space. In no event will an exhibitor be allowed to set up their booth at the show prior to payment of their fee. If the application is not accepted the exhibitor will receive a full refund.
Exhibit Space/Floor Plan Every effort will be made to maintain the general configuration of the floor plan for this expo. However, Michigan Realtors® reserves the right to modify the plan, if necessary, as determined solely by Michigan Realtors®.
Show Colors Draping and backdrops are chosen by Michigan Realtors® and may not be altered in any way.
Installation of Exhibits Consult Michigan Realtors® Events Web site for set up times.
Dismantling and Removal of Exhibits The dismantle period will be published on the Michigan Realtors® website and communicated to vendors in advance of the show. In no case will dismantling be allowed before the published designated time. If an exhibitor violates this regulation, it may be assessed a $250 fine or be denied exhibit space in future expos.
Exhibit Staffing Complimentary, non-transferable, exhibitor registrations will be provided with each booth sale. These representatives should pre-register prior to the show. All other company attendees must register and pay the appropriate registration fees for expo attendance. All exhibitors must wear badges at all times. Badges are the property of Michigan Realtors® and are not transferable.
Care of Booths/Facility No signs or other articles may be posted, nailed, or otherwise attached to any of the walls, pillars, doors, draping, or other parts of the booth or building facility. No attachments may be made to the floors by nails, screws, or other devices. Damages to booth area or facility arising by failure to observe this rule shall be paid by the exhibitor.
Unacceptable Exhibits The exhibitor agrees not to utilize any displays which Michigan Realtors® determines, in its absolute discretion, would endanger the person or property of the attendees or of the exhibitors, are in bad taste, are liable to discredit or subject the Michigan Realtors® to criticism or liability. Exhibits must not obstruct the view or interfere with the exhibit of others. The Association reserves the right to reject or terminate exhibit privileges of any exhibitor due to conduct of personnel, method of operation, materials, or for other causes which the Association believes are not compatible with the purpose of the show. No balloons. Demonstrations and all other activities must be confined to the limits of the exhibitor’s booth. Giveaways, magazines, merchandise, and souvenirs may be distributed only within the exhibitor’s booth. Exhibitors may not leave merchandise or printed material in the event registration area, lounges, meeting rooms, or other facilities in the conference center. Advertising materials, signs of firms other than those who have reserved space, are prohibited. Canvassing, solicitation of business except by exhibiting firms, is prohibited. The exhibitor shall not assign, sublet or apportion the whole or any part of the space assigned or have representatives, equipment, or materials from other firms other than their own in the exhibit space without written consent of Michigan Realtors®. Unethical conduct or infraction of rules on the part of any exhibitor or its representatives, or both, will subject the exhibitor or its representatives to dismissal from the exhibit hall, in which event it is agreed no refund shall be made by Michigan Realtors® and that no demand for redress will be made by the exhibitor or its representatives.
Food and Beverage Any and all food and beverage items served must be approved by the Expo facility and Michigan Realtors®. Food and beverage guidelines are enforced. Generally, only sample size, pre-packaged items are permitted and attendees cannot be charged. Exhibitor may not hold social functions during official exhibit hours. Exhibitors may not host or sponsor any event off the show floor that attracts attendees during exhibit hours. The serving of alcohol by exhibitors is strictly prohibited.
Liability Space is provided with the understanding that the exhibitor will indemnify, defend, and hold Michigan Realtors® harmless from any claims, damages, or disputes, including reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred by Michigan Realtors®, arising from the exhibitor’s activities prior to, during, and after the exhibition. The exhibitor must carry workers compensation and general liability insurance for the entire duration of the show, including move-in and move-out. The exhibitor shall provide certificate of insurance to the Michigan Realtors® upon request. Each exhibitor is charged with the knowledge of all laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to health, fire prevention and public safety while participating in this show. Compliance with such laws is mandatory for all exhibitors and sole responsibility is that of the exhibitor. The exhibit company, exhibit representative, and agent shall be held jointly and severely liable for any and all debts incurred for all exhibit costs, fees or charges.
Force Majeure The Michigan Realtors® will not be liable for any failure to provide exhibit space or any interruption in the duration or extent of exhibition hours if such failure or interruption is due to acts of God, strikes, fire, natural disaster, emergencies, government mandates, or similar or related causes beyond the control of Michigan Realtors®.
Security Adequate and reasonable security service will be provided when the exhibit hall is closed. Neither the management of the expo facility nor Michigan Realtors® shall be liable for damage, loss, or destruction to the exhibits or exhibitors’ property by reason of fire, theft, accident, or other destructive causes. Each Exhibitor is responsible for insuring exhibits and exhibit contents, supplies, and equipment. Exhibitors will be allowed entrance to the exhibit hall prior to the hall being opened and must leave the hall immediately upon closing of the show.
Prize Drawings Exhibitors may conduct prize drawings from their booths to increase booth traffic or to collect business contact information. Exhibitors are responsible for managing their own drawings. Winners can be announced from the expo floor during the last hour of the closing reception. Consult the on-site welcome packet for prize drawing announcement procedures. Michigan Realtors® is not responsible for notifying winners or delivering prizes.
Additional Services All other services are available to exhibitors at additional cost through the official exhibit services contractor(s). An information packet and services order form will be provided to all exhibitors for such items as additional tables, chairs, spotlights, telephone service, internet connection, etc. Charges for additional services shall be payable to the service contractor by the exhibitors. Electrical wiring must conform to the National Electrical Code Safety Rules. Internet and telecommunication services are not included in the booth fee/exhibit package and are ordered and handled through the host facility/exhibit services provider. If your exhibit activities are contingent upon electrical, telecommunication services, and/or strong internet signals, contact the facility to order well in advance of the Expo dates to ensure availability on site.
Cancellations and Refunds Cancellations must be made in writing to Michigan Realtors®. A cancellation fee of $100 per booth will be charged to an exhibitor who cancels its contract prior to January 2, 2025. Cancellations from January 3-20, 2025 will forfeit 50% of the fee paid. Cancellations after January 21, 2025 obligates the exhibitor to full payment of the booth. Cancellations shall be deemed effective on the date written notice is received by Michigan Realtors®.
Miscellaneous The exhibitor expressly agrees to be bound by all the terms, conditions and specifications herein listed and by the Rules, Regulations and General Information established by Michigan Realtors® and as from time to time thereafter modified, and expressly agrees that this contract and such rules and regulations contain the entire agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes any prior agreement, written or oral. This contract shall be interpreted under the laws of the United States and the State of Michigan. Michigan Realtors® shall have final approval over the content of each advertisement/ sponsorship proposal. Michigan Realtors*reserves the right to reject or require modifications to any content that it deems objectionable. All Exhibitors and Sponsors shall adhere to active Health Orders issued by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. If necessary, Michigan Realtors® may also require additional requirements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Failure to adhere to these requirements may result in loss of sponsorship and/or exhibitor space.
All exhibitors are expected to conduct themselves professionally and with good judgment and common sense. Michigan Realtors® aims to provide a safe event experience for all attendees and does not tolerate inappropriate behavior or harassment in any form. If you feel threatened or harassed while attending a Michigan Realtors® event, you are encouraged to report the incident directly to police via 911. Attendees who violate this Event Conduct Policy may be asked to leave the event without a refund. In addition, the attendee may not be permitted to participate in future Michigan Realtors® events.
Warning/Disclaimer Related to COVID-19 Exposure
- By attending Michigan Realtors® Events you are acknowledging that you understand there remains an ongoing risk of contracting COVID-19 and you are assuming that risk.
- If you are not feeling well, do not attend Michigan Realtors® Events. If at any time during a Michigan Realtors® event you experience any symptoms or otherwise feel ill, do not attend any further events.
- While not mandated, face coverings are highly recommended by state and federal authorities in public indoor spaces.
- This information is subject to change based on future health directives from federal, state, or local authorities.
Reservation of Right to Make Changes Any matters not specifically covered herein are subject to decision by the Michigan Realtors®. Michigan Realtors® reserves the right to make such changes, amendments and additions to these rules as considered advisable for the proper conduct of the exhibit, with the provision that all exhibitors will be advised of any such change.
EXHIBITOR AGREEMENT We agree to abide by all rules, regulations and general information provided with this contract, or as otherwise provided in writing by Michigan Realtors®. We also agree to accept booth or facility relocation should it become necessary for causes beyond the control of Michigan Realtors® or advisable in the sole judgment of Michigan Realtors®.
By registering for a Michigan Realtors® event, I understand that still or motion pictures may be taken of me while attending the event and give permission for images to be used to promote Michigan Realtors® events. Such images will remain the property of Michigan Realtors®.